Check Out an Interesting Information on a Good Essay Outline Creation

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Author: Nicolas Braun

Useful tips to create a good argumentative essay outline

An argumentative essay is a kind of educational writing, which deals with an investigation of a chosen topic, evaluation of the evidence. Sometimes students feel difficulties while working on this assignment. One of the main problems why they cannot come up with good ideas is that they start their essay with a blank paper. So, before putting your ideas together, you are to create an outline, which will guide through all the nuances and ideas you`ve got to mention in your writing.

We have prepared for you a piece of useful information on a successful outline creation. So, let`s check what stages you are to follow!

Structure of an outline

Usually, the structure of an outline is simple, including four parts:

  1. Introduction
  2. The development of an argument
  3. Disproving of an opposite argument
  4. Conclusion

You see, the argumentative essay structure isn`t really frightening. Still, each section contains some specific elements, which we are going to consider further.

Creating a winning introduction

Introduction is the first part of your essay, that`s the basis of your argument. It includes a hook, background information, a thesis statement.

  1. Hook. First of all, you are to catch readers` attention. Your first sentences should grab your audience attention, so that they will continue their reading. You can start with some breaking facts or a joke, it depends on the topic of your assignment.
  2. Background information. The next part of your introduction is to deal with background information concerning your topic. To make this data relevant, try to give answers to the following questions:
  • What is the issue?
  • Where is this issue widespread?
  • Why is it important?
  • Who might care about it?
  1. A thesis statement. This information is given, as a rule, in the last sentence of your introduction. Here you are to give clearly your argument and show your position about the topic of an essay.

Argument development

Once you have worked on general points of your essay and have come up with your position, it`s high time to work thoroughly on the development of your ideas in the main body of your essay.

Today we talk about three claims concerning the evidence, still, there can be two or even four of them. The number choice depends on you personally, or on your teacher`s requirement.

First of all, let`s make it clear, what a claim is. It`s a statement, which is aimed to support your argument. Then, comes evidence. For each of your claims, you are to provide evidence, to prove the data you use. Information for evidence is taken from reliable and up-to-date recourses, so that you don`t mislead your readers. Evidence doesn`t include your personal thoughts or experience.

You can use as much evidence as needed, your main goal is to prove your claims and make your readers believe you.

When you have gathered information for your own arguments and evidence, we can move to the next step, which deals with the opposite ideas.

The opposite argument disproving

This part of an essay should contain the opposite point of view concerning your topic and you are also to offer the ways to rebut it.

You should do this with powerful evidence, supporting your ideas with accurate facts. Be clear and simple here, follow the logical sequence of your proofs. Your task is to show that your ideas fit the topic better.

Creating a conclusion

While working on a conclusion of an essay, you are to complete two tasks.

  1. State once again why your topic is important. The information here should be similar to that in the introduction, make it clear for readers why you have chosen this theme to work on and why it is actual.
  2. Make some prediction of how the situation may change if your ideas will (or won`t) be implemented. Moreover, you are to leave enough space to let your audience think on the topic and make own conclusions.

You are to convince your audience in your arguments and show the whole image of the situation you have been writing on.

You can also look for some argumentative essay sample to have a better idea of how to complete all the stages.

Check out the killing tips for essay writing!

Take into consideration the following tips, which will help you create your essay in the winning way:

  • Choose the topic which you like, you should work on what interests you as finding the information on what you are passionate about will bring you more pleasure.
  • No emotions. This means you shouldn`t sound emotional in your essay but you are to give information in the way it makes your readers react in this or that way.
  • You should be polite while rebutting the other side arguments. Don`t use vulgar and offensive words. Show everything with the help of your evidence only.
  • Don`t make up your own evidence, you are to use only accurate data. If you lack some of the evidence for one of your arguments, then change that argument for another one.
  • Your evidence should tell the story but not your own opinions.
  • Quote only those people who are respected and known.

If you devote enough time to learn more on this kind of assignment writing before you start, you will obviously get success. Hope, we have given you some answers to the question, “how to write an argumentative essay”. Good luck!

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