The Whole Truth about a 1000 Word Essay

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Author: Kelly Higgins

Effective Essay Writing – 1000 Word Essay in a Few Hours

What factors are the most important for students who are assigned to create an essay?  Usually, they pay attention primarily to its type and its size, and when they deepen in details, they are shocked. “How long should an essay be? 500 or 1000 words?”  Many students find such figures terrible, but there are no reasons to worry, and the situation is not as terrible as it may seem at first glance. You will be able to write quickly only if you practice regularly. In addition, the harder you understand the subject matter and deepen into details, the longer you have to spend time at the computer.

How Long Should a College Essay Be?

Frankly speaking, the answer to this question depends on many factors. College assignments may greatly vary in a word count – from 300 to 5000 words. First of all, it depends on your tutor and what knowledge and skills he or she wants to check by means of the essay. You should remember the fact that people may understand a short and long essay differently. How long is a short essay for you or for your groupmates? For somebody, it’s pretty easy to write 500, 1000 words or more, but others may create even 300 words very long and hard. By the way, in order to speed up the writing process and make it more effective, you should also work on some other important stages of creating the essay. Only if you optimize all of them, you will write the 1000 word essay in several hours and avoid writing blocks.

Phase of Research

Before start writing, you have to build a basis and collect enough relevant sources. You are lucky if the topic for your essay covers the material you know very well, but even in this case, you should find some sources, at least, for references. Very often this point is a mandatory requirement for the paper. Besides, when you need to choose a topic for the essay on your own, you can determine whether this or that topic isn’t too complicated and whether you can deal with it. The quicker and easier you find information, the earlier you can work.

Analysis of the Collected Information

You should improve your reading and comprehension skills, as they because they largely affect how fast you process any type of information. Cognitive skills of people aren’t the same, someone can read a text once and extract its salient points quickly when others need to read very carefully or even reread some text several times. These skills are very useful for writing, you faster grab appropriate material, and as a result, you can more effectively apply and organize them while writing.


How long is a 500 word essay? How many is it – 1000 words? Such questions don’t make sense at the planning stage. 1000 words are always 1000 words, no matter, what fonts, margins and line spacing you use. You can’t worry only about the number of words and forget about the content. On the contrary, you divide the essay into parts and roughly correlate them with the required number of words for each part – introduction, body, and conclusion. While planning you should determine what points you will talk in this or that part and write it down.

Typing and Formatting

How fast you work with a computer may also affect the time of the essay writing. If you don’t type fast enough, you can lose the thought. Typing skills are essential not only for essays but in general, as we live at the age of computers.


I know that’s hard, but please, don’t leave everything at the last moment. You should have, at least, one day in reserve before you hand the essay, it’s required to review the paper. When the first draft is finished, leave it alone for a day, and then edit. You can read the essay aloud and ask your friend to listen and share his/her opinion. In addition to the question “How long is an essay?” you have to focus on the content, style, grammar, logic of presentation, word choice and other aspects.

Don’t hurry, I mean you shouldn’t chase after time; otherwise, you are risking to lose the quality of the written product. Work rationally and then you will save your time.

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