How To Write A Synthesis Essay

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Author: Nicolas Braun

How to write a synthesis essay effectively

Writing an essay is often a difficult task, and if at some point you are asked to write a synthesis essay, the whole assignment might seem impossible to complete. What is the synthesis essay and how to write it? Here are several stages of writing a good synthesis essay.

Defining what a synthesis essay is

Before you start writing, you need to make sure that you know what a synthesis essay is. From the first glance, it might seem that it is a variety of an argumentative essay. In fact, these two types of writing differ from each other and share only some of the characteristics. A synthesis essay is a piece of writing in which you analyze the information provided in one or several sources with the aim to come up with a valid conclusion.

Choosing the topic correctly

If you have an opportunity to choose a topic that you like, do so. If you are interested in the subject, chances to write a quality essay are greater than if you write about something that you do not like or do not understand. If the topic of an essay is given to you by your instructor by default, make sure to make a proper research and consult your tutor as much as possible. You can also ask for a synthesis essay example from your tutor.

Reading your sources

Take some time to read your sources before you start writing. Even if you have already made your mind up regarding the subject, make sure to check different points of view in order to analyze them, see the differences and make connections. Avoid skipping this stage, because it will help you learn the subject thoroughly and make a valid conclusion.

Defining your opinion

After you have looked through all available sources, you need to define your opinion and create a thesis which you will investigate in the essay. Some instructors say that you do not have to actually believe in your position since the focus is on how you manage to support your statement. Still, it is better for the quality of your essay to believe in what you are trying to prove. The important thing here is to define your point of view and follow it throughout the whole essay.

Writing a great thesis statement

If you have decided what you are going to write about, it is time to write a thesis statement. It is vitally important to formulate it correctly, as this is the subject that you are going to discuss in the main paragraphs of your essay.

Writing an outline

When writing an outline, it is important not to summarize the sources, but to analyze them. There is no need to structure paragraphs according to sources since it is better to compare different points of view in each paragraph.

Starting the writing process

When you have your thesis and outline sorted, the writing itself should be easy, since all you need to do now is to express your thoughts on the topic. Keep the main idea in mind while you write and do not forget to write an effective conclusion. If you still struggle, you can find an example of synthesis essay online in order to see how it needs to be written.
A synthesis essay is an interesting but challenging assignment. We hope that our synthesis essay tips helped you write a quality essay and get good grades for it.

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