Get to Know How to Write a Novel

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Author: Alice Miley
The First Step: Creation of Fictional World
If you want to write a novel, first of all, you have to decide who are your characters, where they live and what is happening with them taking into account all imaginary situations. You should also make up a conflict which has to be resolved by your characters. Having done all this, you should find time to write at least something each day. Setting small goals to stay motivated is a good idea while doing your first drafts.
- Create a fictional world. The first thing you should do is to find the inspiration. You should understand that writing a novel is actually a creative process. However, you never know when a good idea will come up to your mind. In this case, try to carry your notebook and pen wherever you go. It will help you a lot not to forget something important when you are out of your workplace. If you are out of inspiration – it can happen sometimes – try to recall in your memory some things that happened to you in the past, or some stories you were told in your childhood. Such stories can turn out to be good content while writing a novel.
- Consider a genre of your novel. You should pay great attention to the genre you are going to write in, and, of course, the audience. It would be great for you to read some major works that are of the same genre like yours and get a clear understanding of what should be written there. If you cannot make up your mind with the genre, take into consideration these options:
- Literary novels – they are work of arts with deep themes and symbolism used.
- Commercial novels – the main goal is to entertain the audience. It includes science fiction, mysteries, romances, fantasies, thrillers etc.
- Crossovers between literary and commercial novels.
- Think about your settings. Once you have finished with the genre, consider the setting your characters will dwell. This can be any city or area. However, while choosing the setting, take into account the tone and mood of your novel, and how this environment will affect your characters` life.
- Create your characters. You should make up the most important character of your novel who will be a protagonist. In fact, protagonists don’t usually need to be good ones. However, they should always make readers interested in the story. Also, your novel can also have not one but a few protagonists, who act through the novel in harmony. Your imaginary world should also be full with other characters who are interacting and collaboration with protagonists. The majority of novelists create their characters from the real life. So, you can do the same. In this case, your essay will sound and look more naturally.
- Work on your plot. It can happen sometimes that the characters are created in a proper way but there is no plot in the novel. The main task about your plot is to create a conflict between your characters and develop it in an interesting way. You should understand that there exists no set formula for creating a perfect novel. You should rise an action, create a conflict and find a resolution.
- Write a novel from the scratch. Certainly, you can be inspired by some other writings. However, you should create a unique novel that grabs readers` attention immediately. Start working on your novel from the scratch. This is the first step on your way to impress your readers with original content.
Draft the Novel
- Create an outline. It goes without saying that each novelist has own strategy for starting a novel. However, the idea of creating an outline before writing can be a good way to sort out all ideas for the entire book for everyone. Your outline should actually serve as a guide for you while working on the novel.
- Find your writing routine. To create a novel that is worth attention and appreciation, you should take great pains every day. Find some time each day to work on at least of few pages or chapters. Only then, you will have chances to succeed with your writing. Find a cozy place as your workplace. It should be a place where you feel relaxed and there are no distractions.
- Do the research. If you want to write novel, you have to research well. Otherwise, you will not be able to discuss some events correctly, or describe some kinds of characters in a proper way. Researching can influence the content of your novel greatly. So, go to the library, use some book and sketches, interview some people.
- Work on your first draft. When you feel you are completely ready with your mind full of inspiration and ideas, sit down and start working on your paper. Don’t judge yourself while writing. No one is perfect writing the draft.
Revise the Novel
- You can write as many drafts for your novel as possible. The main thing here is to come to the conclusion that you are completely satisfied with the final sketch. While writing your drafts, you should specify what should be improved or mastered. If you feel you are done with writing your drafts, move on to the next stage – editing the novel.
- Check your novel on some stylistic, grammar and syntax mistakes. Don’t forget about spelling as well. It is a good idea to print out your novel and read it out loud. It will give you a clear understanding of what is good and bad there. Remember that you always have chance to change something.
- Show your novel to other people. Show your work to some people you really trust. They will provide you with a true feedback showing on all good and worse sides. Take advice but don’t change to whole plot simply because one person isn’t satisfied with it. It`s your work and your sort of imagination. It would also be great for you to try to publish your essay. It will be a great experience for you as a writer. You can choose either a traditional book publishing house, self-publishing or e-publishing.
If you want to write a novel, pull yourself together and follow these tips. Sure, you will make a headway!
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