How To Get Rid Of Everything That Stops You From Writing

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Author: Julia Stuart
Leave your fear and self-doubt behind and give your writing talent a try
You feel deep down that writing is your life`s work. But what is it exactly that is holding you back? We suppose that it is your fear that doesn`t let you become successful. But you should always remember that all the prominent writers were once ordinary people. They just threw themselves into writing completely and put their mind to it to compose something meaningful and worth reading. It goes without saying that writing can be terrifying for an aspiring writer because you don`t know whether you will make a good job of it. But you will know if you never try.
Writing is like a dark wood inhabited with adorable bunnies and fearful dragons. Sometimes it can be pretty easy to express your thoughts or vice versa. You should ‘start writing, no matter what; the water does not flow until the faucet is turned on’ (Louis L`Amour).
Develop your fictional improvisation skills
Always keep in mind that improvisation is an inescapable reality of fiction. You should realize that you don`t have to be born to be a true writer, you should just practice a lot to become one. Develop and improve your writing skills on a daily basis by doing freewriting exercises. Freewriting will help you generate ideas and learn to write without worrying about ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. The idea behind this exercise is to get you going, even if your brain doesn`t want to comply. Just force yourself to write without stopping for ten minutes and getting distracted by other things. In fact, a lot of writing time and energy is usually spent on worrying, crossing out, and having second and third thoughts. Freewriting can help you overcome these psychological difficulties in writing.
Let your first thought lead you
It is often said that first thought is the best thought. Believe it or not, but it is the magic of your first thought that can lead you through that dark wood of writer`s fear. You should always trust your instincts and believe in your deepest thoughts and wishes. For example, Allen Ginsberg, an American poet, philosopher, and writer, used the compositional method, the moment-by-moment transcription of thoughts and images as they passed across his mind. ‘First thought, best thought’ was his governing principle. As far as you can see, this approach is time-tested.
Ultimately, the only person keeping you from writing is yourself. Your inner-critic, fear to make a mistake, and lack of self-confidence can inhibit you from producing anything at all. According to Richard Bach, ‘a professional writer is an amateur who didn`t quite’. You will never really understand your writing capabilities if you avoid making mistakes by never taking chances. Seek challenges and persist through difficulties to reach new heights. Maya Angelou once said that ‘there is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you’. Remember that there is no recipe for writing success. Just let your imagination and creativity flow and you will see what will come of it.
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