The Most Proper Ways to Write a Research Paper in Economics Successfully

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Author: Ben Parker
“How to write a research papers in economics?” – this is the most frequent question from students. It is important for every student to know how economic papers are constructed, which the main principles of good writing are, and what the main purpose of such type of work is. Here are the useful writing tips, which help you to do your economic papers properly.
The Structure of Economic Paper
You can use these structure constructions for both Economics Research Paper format and digital format. Now find out how to write economic research work:
Title. The header has to be explicit. The name of the authors and their contacts like address, academic degree should be added to it. The title should not take up a lot of space.
Introduction. Write the introduction concisely and clearly. Start it with the information about your major contribution in these papers and make readers be interested in your thesis and arguments in the first two paragraphs. You have to explain your contribution so that people can easily understand it. Your main task here is to motivate others to read the rest of your paper.
Methods used. It is the important aspect of research paper. Therefore, the author has to provide a clear and precise description of how the experiment was done and which strategies and methods were used.
Results. In this section the author has the opportunity to put all outcomes in the right order. The quantity of the results will show the productivity of the work.
Discussion. In the discussion of your outcomes, you have to explain what was found. Here you can also point out the limitation of the research and say the little number of examinations you have.
Data overview. This section includes two parts. The first should describe the source and name of the data you are using and the period it covers. The second part should give descriptive statistic of the data.
Conclusion. It is the shortest part of the paper. This part should include the main points of your work in a short form.
Literature review. Here author has to provide a small overview of the works of writers and scientists. Draw a little diagram in order to represent key facts of their research.
The examples of topics for economic research papers
- Exchange rates
- East Asian Economies
- Sports economics
- Environmental economics
- Microfinance
- Neuroeconomics etc.
How to make the successful Economics Paper
The most important writing tip is to be precise and consistent.
Your paper should start with the following phrases: “Taking into account….”, “According to….”, There is no wonder that….” etc.
These clichés will be useful for you in order to conclude the research work correctly: “To conclude…”, “Give these facts…..”,“here is a run through of…” etc.
Just remember, your research paper should have literate and logical content without paying attention to its length. Try to use less senseless words and more useful and practical research information.
The most used mistakes:
- Excessive use of the future tense.
- Using too many commas
- Procrastination
- Repetition of the same facts
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